Analysis: Quit or Stick

Dive in with passion or quit with gusto

It is much easier said than done, but making a decision to stick it out in your current role or move on to a more fulfilling one can be a smoother process with the right tools.

Your Energy Profile

Let’s look back at the personal energy profile you drew out. Can you tell whether you should stay or quit based on your assessment? Worst-case scenario is that you have all negative energy across your profile. If it is all bad, then you may need to take drastic measures to find a better balance. Often times in this scenario people find it best to quit and move on or take a step back and reevaluate how they are doing things. On the other hand, majority of your five forces might be good and one might be lacking. The next question to ask yourself is how invested you are in improving your profile. For example, having a low bar in the area of competence is not that bad, especially if you are just starting out in your career or just figuring things out. If you are not willing to do what it takes to build up your confidence – joining a professional certification organization, taking up more training or reading industry books – your competence level will continue to decline. Remember, there are others in your field who are obsessed about what they do and who relentless pursue higher learning. How will you compare or compete with them?

Still undecided?

Could you make some incremental improvements to bring your profile into a balance that works for you? If so, and you are vested in working through some small improvement projects, then staying works. Does working through improving your profile align with your career goals? Maybe you are lacking a sense of purpose, but in all other areas you are satisfied. Do you have enough time left in your work-week to augment and perhaps volunteer or pick up a new hobby to improve your balance? Keep in mind that each of these five forces are not created equal and have different possible ranges. You might have more questions now and need some help figuring out how this aligns with your goals. Reach out to one of our career coaches to help guide you to the right next step for you.